Wednesday, August 21, 2024

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United Kingdom    116 pageviews

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Friday, June 7, 2024

253. Dogs " influence "

 Live with a dog

Your smelling power will increase


Live with dogs

Your smelling powers will increase manifold


You will become loyal and friendly too. An affectionate person without wanting any need from people.

Just good feelings

Dogs wag their tails without any need in background

You will smile - just smile

252. Discomforts

 People have some good and some bad within


When they are there, it causes discomfort. We wish, they go away

When they are not there, then too, it causes discomfort. We wish, they were here.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

251. Frog inside a bowl - red ants and scorpion

 A frog was inside a bowl

However hard it tried it was not able to jump out

Food and water was provided to it

There were red ants inside that bowl. Often they would bite it and cause it pain. The frog had to bear the pain and live


Another frog was inside a bowl

A scorpion was with it

It would bite the frog and cause immense pain. The frog was helpless, it could not get out. It had to bear the pain and live. 

Not know, how long the frogs can live with red ants and scorpions


Frog is an innocent person. A man or woman. Bowl is life. One cannot get rid of husband or wife. Has to live. Cannot get out. The scorpion could be husband or wife causing pain to other.

Red ants are society members who often cause distress. A worker (frog) at work place sufering distress by other workers (red ants). Cannot get out of bowl (job). One has to earn money to live in human society.

Friday, April 19, 2024

250 Pageviews by countries

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Hong Kong     499
United States  177

249. Omnipotent Man

 He became so powerful that when the Cosmic Mind asked him whether it can kill all the incorrigible humans (under complaints by nature and thousands of species), he, without the slightest regret told "yes"


The Cosmic Mind killed all the humans on Earth - the next second


Millions of electric bulbs connected to a single power source. The power source switches off, millions of electric bulbs drop dead

248. No need

 There is no need to punish them

They are already undergoing punishment, suffering the hell in their life

That is reason why they are incorrigible and do destructive activities


There is no need to punish them

They are already punished and undergoing punishment


The egoistic, destructive, satanic individuals

Friday, March 1, 2024

Monday, September 25, 2023

246. Man on a boat

Millions of individuals
In mass communication - televisions, debates, cinemas - so called well wishers of society
They cannot do anything good. All of their talk and efforts are useless. They do not have potential to really help the society. They cannot transform a single individual even a fractional percentage.They cannot transform society also because it is made up of single individuals only.
They feel good in talking. The mass people feel good in listening. They are only waste of time or whiling away time. The talkers get money. The listeners pay money.

Man on a boat cannot see river bed or ocean bed
What actually happens there. The living medium over there. Hundreds of individuals called "well wishers" are actually on boats. They jump off the boat,immerse their heads and see inside. But they cannot see deep or go deep. Their breath is not sufficient. Their dive is superficial. Their thinking, thoughts, speech, actions, effort are superficial. Their intentions are good but have no potential to transform individuals. At the most they can see the fishes that swim near the surface of water
They have dissolved their conscious mind. More they subdued their minds more deeper they went. They became introverts. They live in the "inner world". They have become like submarines that move deep under the sea or men who walk and live on the ocean bed or the golden fishes that live "deep under" the dark ocean

245. Sadism and Masochism - miserable ways of humans

Certain boys and men like fair beautiful girls and women
Fair beautiful girls and women seldom go to them and build up relationship with them or marry them.
It becomes a hell for those boys and men - their desires unrealized. 
Subconsciously, they would like to cause discomfort, suffocation and torture and that is why the fair and beautiful never go to those who "like" them most.

They have been taught by their incorrigible selfish parents, elders, relatives and others not to give too much happiness to others for free since their teenage. Those poisonous seeds become poisonous trees as they grow up.

Certain boys and men don't like girls and women - fair and beautiful type - the delicate, beautiful and feminine. They only like the masculine - rough and tough - the rowdys, hard men, thugs etc
They might like dark and dull looking girls and women. This category is also there. 
Fair beautiful girls and women "will build up" relationship with them and even marry them only to torture them. It becomes a "hell" for them. People of "men only" type and ugliness inside don't like delicate, beautiful and feminine in their lives. 

In both cases, the fair and beautiful only create misery and torture for them and others. 
They don't go who need them most. That would be giving "too much" of happiness to them.
They go where they are not needed. They go where they are detested. 
Others don't benefit or enjoy too much because of them. So they go to them who don't like them.
Their lives also become hell and misery because they put themselves with others who hate them.
They are both - Sadists (who create pain in others) and Masochists (who enjoy pain within them)
Miserable ways of human beings.
The above write is correct only for certain types of fair and beautiful girls and women. It can be told in most relationships. Not all. The millions of individuals - society type. 
Sometimes, the goddesses come as girls and women and walk on Earth as most of Hindu philosophies state. They are the enlightened ones whose heart is functional. They don't and "cannot" hurt others. If one is fortunate, a boy might have friendship with girl who is angel or a man might marry a woman who is goddess. 
But they happened only before 20th century and there is no possibility of them happening in 21st century and later.
21st century is "mind" oriented and "powerful mind" oriented human species. The heart exists only physiologically not psychologically.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

244. Unnatural heat and artificial lights

 All species except humans cannot create heat and light outside their bodies. 

Humans with over energized mind found ways to create artificial heat to cook and artificial light to see in dark. Animals and other species eat raw unheated food. They can see during night time, only moon light and it's light on Earth. 

If one eats heated food and hot food, it is likely to cause internal damage to linings of digestive system. Heat a plastic pipe, it will begin to melt and lose its strength, become less rigid. Same happens with linings of digestive system upon eating hot food, hot tea, hot coffee etc. They might become weak and saggy. 

All species close their eyes and sleep for 12 hours when it becomes dark. Observe the cows, when day starts they wake up, when night starts they sleep. 12 hours of seeing and 12 hours of not seeing. 

Humans create artificial light at night time. Not only do they violate nature's way of life, they are also torturing thousands of tiny species with their artificial lights on land surface of Earth. Many species don't have eyelids to close their eyes. Fireflies that emit light on their bodies depend upon darkness for survival. Lights of human species at night time spoil their way of life. 

In 1990s, a boy enjoyed 100-200 fireflies around him, in 30 years time, he could see only 2 to 5 fireflies in that same area and same village. 

Lights of humans disturb atleast hundred species at night time. Numerous complaints are being sent to cosmic mind by atleast 1000 species about the detrimental human species . It is only a matter of time, the heavy headed, careless, reckless, loose minded and tiny satanic humans get killed by the creator, the omnipotent Cosmic Mind

Newly added. August 21, 2024

Horizontal travel and influence of human lights, their radius in kilometres that affect dozens of species, thousands of birds resting on trees. Ways of millions of mentally retarded humans. Simply inventing and "mass producing". What is the need for such lights when everyone is sleeping. These lights are against god's creation or nature's night and darkness. There are 1 million species on Earth. Does any single species "violate" god's creation or nature's creation. One of the major reasons of corona virus and killing of satanic humans. Viruses will be created again by nature to completely kill all humans and restore Earth's balance. 
For one species to be comfortable, millions of lights all over Earth at night time, disturbing, making uncomfortable and even killing other species. Not a single fire-fly can be seen in same farmland and village where 200-300 were flying. The satanic humans have killed the fire-flies. It is not know how much serious disturbance they have created for night and its darkness on land surface of  Earth

Saturday, October 16, 2021

243. Mother, child, mongoose, snake

 A mother had a child and mongoose. One day, mother went somewhere and returned. She was shocked to find blood on mongoose mouth and thought it had killed her child. Furious, she took a heavy stick and killed it. She then entered inside, her child was safe, nearby a snake had been killed by the mongoose. It had saved the child but the mother thought it killed her child. She was painfully grieved and sorry for the mongoose.

The year belongs to 21st century. Corona virus originated and kept the satanic schools and colleges closed for years. They created the antidote and killed it. 

Mother is parents. Child is children sent to schools. Mongoose is corona virus. The snake is the school. 

Coronavirus killed the school. They hurriedly thought corona virus is bad and killed it.

Satanic schools and colleges spread the detrimental disease of words. They make students generate words inside them for 11 hours a day. 8 hours at school and 3 more hours after. Every year it becomes 11 hrs x 300 = 3300 hours. 

Satanic schools create more satans who develop technology that is slow poison to Earth and its species.

The viruses now know that antidotes can be created in one year time. Next, future viruses will evolve so that there is no possibility of antidote. It may happen in few years time or hundred years time, anytime

Thursday, July 8, 2021

242. Curses upon humanity

 When a young man's love fails because of the satanic society, its fear and its set up, he hates mankind for the rest of his life, curses it one million times before his death

When a young man's love succeeds, he only dislikes mankind for the rest of his life. Sometimes, he transcends love (like a baby leaves its toys, ignores them as it grows up), becomes compassionate towards humanity. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

241. Suicidal not brave

 Suicidal tendency and will to die is often confused with bravery.

An individual wants to die subconsciously, he/she allows death like situations in life

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

240. Fire sticks onto river

 A monk was blamed with injurious accusation by a woman, then relatives and then after whole village

The monk looked absolutely undisturbed.


Thousand fire sticks thrown onto one river.

All thousand fire sticks lose fire and become nothing

The river remains undisturbed.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

239. heat energy

A fan is happy with electrical energy
It does not desire any other energy, there are no byproducts of it
An electric bulb is happy with electrical energy
It also does not desire any other. Electrical energy is converted into heat and light energy
That's all
All species eat food that releases heat energy
They all are happy with it - just the heat energy
Human beings eat food. That releases heat energy
They are not happy with that alone. They have dozens of by product energies - may be one hundred
Heat energy is converted into so many energies by humans. The byproduct energies are hot.
The humans are heated up often. Always in tension, anxiety, misery and happy also.
For example: A dog gives birth to a puppy. A cow gives birth to a calf. A gold fish gives birth to little gold fish. They all eat food and happy with the heat energy. Nothing more than that.
Humans produce babies. They have foolish ambitions - to become number 1 in their family circle, then number 1 in city circle, number 1 in state circle. Ego, desires, ambitions, conflicts, depressions, sorrow, happiness, sadness, ruling dominating others, patriotism and many more. These are all unnecessary byproducts of heat energy produced by food. A dog will never try to make its puppy number 1, make it educated, have ambitions and tension itself and the puppy. Human parents always tension themselves with unnecessary desires making son/daughter number 1 in competitions, number 1 in society etc. They tension themselves and tension children also.  A calf or kitten need not  go to school and dump garbage. Money, finance, economy, patriotism, religion, caste and other irrelevant factors are "self created " by humans. They dont exist in other species and earth. Look at the sky, is there any money factor in them or economy factor in them or patriotism. White clouds are white. Sometimes they are dark
A school and its activities are unnecessary byproducts of heat energy
Ambition is an unnecessary byproduct of heat energy
Nation / patriotism is also an unnecessary byproduct of heat energy. Can you collect 10 sparrows or cows and ask them to Indian, American, Russian .... Will any crow say that it is German and that its country is Germany
You are a human
You eat food
Dont create unnecessary energies and pollute earth's atmosphere
Human beings are the most incorrigible on Earth

Thursday, April 9, 2020

238. burners

Incorrigible society individuals are burners
Society is a burner
Individuals over it are pressure cookers.
As long as the burners are on, pressure cookers will keep building up pressure and make sounds.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

237. they dont like good people

Milk, coffee, tea, brandy, whiskey
Some people drink milk
Some drink tea, coffee
Some drink brandy, whiskey
They like them
If you give milk to drink to those who drink tea or coffee or brandy or whiskey
They wont wish to
If milk is forced, the tea drinkers, coffee drinkers and other drinkers will vomit the milk. Their stomach will feel most uncomfortable or throw it out
Good people are good people
Bad people and worst people do not like them
Good people are nauseating, repulsive, irritating, too much "milky" to them
The year belongs to 21st century
Majority of human population like tea, coffee, brandy, whiskey
They don't like milk and good people